Gbf dmg dealt is boosted
Gbf dmg dealt is boosted

To reiterate, the same element as the enemy has the lowest debuff success rate of all elements. Strong element has the highest natural success rate (but not 100%), followed by neutral elements, then weak element, and last, same element. When attempting to inflict debuffs on enemies, there is a natural success rate based on the element of the character with the skill and the enemy. Their effect varies based on character/summon used.ĭebuffs are status effects that are generally considered detrimental to the afflicted. See Luminiera Omega.Ĭrests are buffs which are used by certain characters' skills or support skills and summons' sub auras. Gain increased Attack based on the number of debuffs. Increases Juliet's stats and allows her to use skills. Invulnerable is removed if healed to 100% HP. Take 100% HP in damage when Invulnerable expires. Increases Attack and Debuff Success rate.

gbf dmg dealt is boosted

Increases Double Attack and Triple Attack rate. See Samurai.Īllows Sword Master to gain sword effects.

gbf dmg dealt is boosted

Increases Attack based on number of stacks: 5%, 25%, 50%, 100%. Increases time or damage needed to recover from Break. If HP is full, gain charge bar each turn instead.Īutomatically revive after being knocked out.Įffects that deal damage each turn now heal instead. Increases healing amount, or increases healing cap. On allies, this buff is dispelled when taking AOE damage. Sharp increase to Attack for the next attack against a foe with a certain mode. Single-target attacks are redirected to characters with this buff. The next attack deals some or all of its damage back to its source. Reduces hostility (less likely to be targeted by enemy attacks).ĭodge and counter enemy single-target attacks.ĭamage immunity. Increases hostility (more likely to be targeted by enemy attacks). Bounty works the same way, although it also becomes harder to add more stacks the higher it already is.īuffs are status effects that are generally considered beneficial to the afflicted.ĭeal bonus Fire damage on normal attacks.ĭeal bonus Water damage on normal attacks.ĭeal bonus Earth damage on normal attacks.ĭeal bonus Wind damage on normal attacks.ĭeal bonus Light damage on normal attacks.ĭeal bonus Dark damage on normal attacks.ĭamage causes the mode bar to fill up less, or deplete the Overdrive bar more.

gbf dmg dealt is boosted

The best example of this is Dark Fencer's Miserable Mist, which stacks with Sidewinder's Rain of Arrows III, causing enemies to reach the maximum Attack Lowered value of -50%.īuffs and debuffs with "(stackable)" in the name will increase in effect every time they are applied as the name implies, up to a certain limit, while also returning to the original duration, if applicable. However, some skills are what is colloquially known a "dual skill," which cause effects that stack with other non-dual (single) effects. Using Rage II again will simply overwrite the old Rage II effect. When using Fighter's Rage I and Warrior's Rage II at the same time, Rage II will overwrite an existing Rage I, but Rage I will have no effect on an existing Rage II. In general, if two effects have different icons and effect names, they can be used simultaneously for greater effect.īuffs and debuffs that are the exact same effect will typically replace or overwrite each other. Some icons are used to represent multiple different statuses. Tap an enemy's HP bar to view its buff and debuff information.Ī list of all status effect icons and explanations. Tap a character's "In Effect" icons to view more buff and debuff information.

Gbf dmg dealt is boosted